When we first told my Dad about our travel plans he said that in all of his travels, Venice was the only place that was exactly as he had imagined. He was right. The city is everything it is cracked up to be. Romantic, mysterious and just a bit spooky.
So after a long train and bus ride from Graz, we arrived, got on a water bus and headed for our hotel which was located at the
Academia Bridge, one of only four bridges that span the Grand Canal.
It is very easy to get around in Venice. The narrow streets are fun to walk down and discover all the little shops and restaurants. The best way to travel by water is water bus. They're cheap (as opposed to the water taxis which are expensive) and run continuously throughout the day and night.

A piazza near the hotel.

Building detail.

St. Mark's clock.

Procuratie Vecchie. North side of St. Mark's square.

Fresco above the entrance to St. Mark's Bascilica.

Building detail.

On the Grand Canal.

Along the Grand Canal.

Water taxi.

Rialto Bridge.

Boats at the Rialto Bridge.

Across the canal from our hotel.

The smallest house in Venice.

Academia Bridge.

Moon over Venice.

A side canal.

Sidewalk cafe in a piazza.

Rush hour traffic in Venice.

Building at St. Mark's Square.

The Campanile at St. Mark's.

The Clocktower at St. Mark's.

Along the Grand Canal.

Along the Grand Canal.

Down a side canal.

Another side canal.

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore.

The Grand Canal.

Building detail.

From the Academia Bridge.

Gondolas in a side canal.