What better way to end a European tour than with a week long stay in Rome. With a history that spans two and a half thousand years, everywhere you go in Rome you are bound to stumble upon some important building, church, piazza or fountain. From the Vatican to the Colosseum to the Pantheon to the Spanish Steps, the city is rich in history.
Our hotel was on Piazza Montecitorio, which is where the Italian Parliament is located. While we were there we had the pleasure of seeing the Parliamentary crisis unfold on a daily basis. Our hotel was full of journalists from around the world who were there to report on the creation of a new Italian government.
The hotel was also located just five minutes from the Pantheon and about ten minutes from the
Trevi Fountain. The Pantheon is located at the Piazza della Rotunda which is lined with wonderful little sidewalk cafes and eateries. Every night we were in Rome we ate dinner at the piazza and were able to enjoy the night time view and ambiance of the Pantheon.
Also near the hotel was the
Piazza Navona, situated on the site of the Stadium of Domitian where the ancient Romans came to watch the agones or games.
We did a lot of walking in Rome. It was just too easy to go from one historical site to another on foot. And it was the best way to discover all the little hidden bits of history that the city has to offer. However, if walking is not how you want to get around the city, taxis are very reasonable and the drivers are very friendly.

Tomb of Augustus.

The park at Villa Borghese.

Entrance to the zoo.

Fountain of Neptune.

Fountain of Neptune.

Michelangelo's Moses.

Michelangelo's Moses.

All roads lead to Rome.

The Colosseum.

The Colosseum.

The Colosseum.

Across from the Colosseum.

Colosseum with the original facade.

The Tiber River.

Saint Peter's Basilica from Castel Saint Angelo.

Saint Peter's Basilica from Castel Saint Angelo.

Castel Sant'Angelo.

Ornate organ pipes.

St. Peter's Basilica.

Doors leading into St. Peter's.

The Pieta.

Inside St. Peter's.

Inside St. Peter's.

Inside St. Peter's.

Max feeding the pigeons at the Pantheon.

A statue in Rome.

Part of Circus Maximus.

Old ruin near the Colosseum.

Street scene.

Fontana del Nettuno.

Dea Roma.

The Spanish Steps.

Bernini sculpture at the Spanish Steps.

The Pantheon.

Closeup of fountain at Piazza Navona.


Raphael's Tomb at the Pantheon.

Inside the Pantheon.

Fountain of the Four Rivers.

Closer view of the fountain.

The fountain again.

Closer view.

Roof top garden.

Piazza Navona.

Closer view of the Fountain of the Four Rivers.

Closer view of the Fountain of the Four Rivers.

Street light.

Trevi Fountain.

Trevi Fountain at night.