What is there to say about Paris except…..WOW!!!
When we were approaching Paris in the train, Max asked me what was the first thing I wanted to do when we got to Paris. Since our hotel was just a block from the
Tuileries Garden, I said the first thing I wanted to do was walk from the gardens to the Arc de Triomphe and back. He said while walking that I had an expression on my face like a little kid on Christmas morning.
One of the things that impressed me was that even with the streets jammed with cars and people and, again, motor scooters, there was a quietness and calm to the city. Even while sitting in the park, knowing we were surrounded by traffic, there was no noise.
Little sidewalk cafes with incredible food abound in Paris. We were there for 10 days and only ate inside twice and that was because it was raining. And there are plenty of inexpensive little deli type places if the weather is nice and a picnic in the park is in store.
Of all the places we visited in Paris, I would have to say that the
Rodin Museum was my favorite. Seeing all those incredible statues in one place was amazing. The museum is in an old chateau and has a beautiful garden where most of the larger statues are located.
The main method of transportation we used was the Metro. It was fast, efficient and easy to figure out which train or trains were needed to get from point A to point B. The only problem with the Metro is some of the exits and entrances are a bit much. Like the 82 steps we had to walk up when we went to
Notre Dame.

The Eiffel Tower at night.

Top of the tower.

Water canons across from the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower with the lights twinkling.

The Vendome Column.

Part of the Tuileries Garden.

Fountain at Place de la Concorde.

Arc de Triomphe.

Detail on the Arc.

Detail on the Arc.

The Pantheon.

Inside the Pantheon.

Inside the Pantheon.

Voltaire's tomb in the Pantheon.

Victor Hugo's tomb in the Pantheon.

Inside the Pantheon.

Notre Dame de Paris.

Statue of Charlamagne at Notre Dame.

Above the entrance to Notre Dame.

Inside Notre Dame.

Gargoyles at Notre Dame.

The Flying Butresses.

Notre Dame from the back.

Flowers at Notre Dame.

Fontaine Saint-Michel.

The entrance to Versailles.

Inside Versailles.

Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.

Bed canopy in Versailles.

Les Invalides.

Statue of Napolean.

Napolean's Tomb.

The Thinker, Rodin

The Three Shades, Rodin

Monument to the Burghers of Calais, Rodin

The Kiss, Rodin

Sigmund Freud?, Rodin

Balzac, Rodin

The Seine from the Eifel Tower.

Paris at your feet.

Arc de Triomphe from the Eifel Tower.

Eifel Tower by day.

Inside the Church of Saint Roch.

Sacre Coeur.

Winged Victory. The Louvre.

Winged Victory. The Louvre.

? should have made better notes.

Colossal Statue of Ramesses II. The Louvre

Sacre Coeur. Second highest point in Paris.

Amanita in Paris.