Photographic - an adjective meaning of or pertaining to photography.
Journey - a noun meaning a traveling from one place to another.
I hope you enjoy viewing these photographs as much as I enjoyed taking them!
To travel to distant places is one of life's greatest pleasures. However you decide to travel, seeing new sights, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures all make for a life enriching experience.
I love to travel and I love to take photographs of the places I visit. Hopefully, the photographs on this site will inspire people to get out and explore the world around them.
Whether it's driving around the city you live in, a trip to a distant city, another state or another country there is nothing that can compare to the experience of travel. In this country alone the opportunities for travel are endless. Visiting a National Park, going to the seashore or just exploring the world within your immediate vicinity, travel opens up a whole new world.
So sit back, relax and enjoy the many different sites that are represented here and hopefully it will inspire you to get up out of that easy chair to hop on a plane or get in the car and seek out all the wonders that travel can hold. You can rest assured that you will not be disappointed.

Eiffel Tower at Niight

Giant Sequoia
So sit back, relax and enjoy the many different sites that are represented here and hopefully it will inspire you to get up out of that easy chair to hop on a plane or get in the car and seek out all the wonders that travel can hold. You can rest assured that you will not be disappointed.