Our trip ended in Rome and I really can't think of a better place to end a European trip. We were supposed to be there two weeks but Hurricane Sandy forced us to stay an extra week. (I know, poor us.) Our flight out was cancelled and we couldn't get another one scheduled for a week. But being there an extra week gave us the opportunity to visit some places we had not planned on.
The apartment we rented was probably the nicest of the trip. It was on the second floor but had a lift so we didn't have to climb stairs. It was situated very close to three of our favorite spots in Rome. The
Pantheon, Piazza Navona and Campo di Fiori were all within minutes walking distance. Also the Theater of Pompey where Julius Caesar was murdered was only a block away.
A very good friend that lives in Austin, TX and has spent a gray deal of time in Rome sent us a list a places and restaurants he recommended we visit. I think we hit every one. As Max says; "If we didn't visit it, we walked past it."
Taxis are very inexpensive in Rome and a good way to see the historic sites that are a little farther outside the center of town. We even took the cable car to the flea Market across the Tiber in
Trastevere. It was an interesting little ride but I don't recommend doing it on a Sunday. Way too crowded.

Statue of Giordano Bruno in Campo de' Fiori.

Typical side street in Rome.

In Santa Maria della Pace.

Also inside the church.

Also inside the church.

Inside San Bernardo alle Terme.

One of the Quattro Fontane in Rome.

Another one.

Another one.

And the fourth.

Inside San Carlo alle Quatrro Fontane.

Near the Basilica di S. Alessio.

A fountain near the Basilica.

Looking across the city to the dome of St. Peter's.

Inside Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin.

This is what happens when you tell a lie.

Ancient Roman temple.

Inside San Nicola dei Lorensi.

The Pieta inside San Nicola.

Statue of San Sebastian in S. Agnes in Agone.

Inside S. Agnes in Agone.

A Caravaggio in the church of San Luigi dei Francesi.

Inside San Luigi dei Francesi.

A closer view.

The ceiling of San Ignacio de Loyola. It's actually flat.

In Santa Maria Maddalena.

The Tiber River.

Ponte Angelo from the top of Castel St. Angelo.

St. Peter's from the top of Castel St. Angelo.

Umbrella Pines at Villa Borghese

A large lapis lazuli sphere in Il Gesu.

Inside Il Gesu.

Inside the church of San Luigi dei Francesi.

In Sant'Agostino.

Also in Sant'Agostino.

Inside Il Gesu.

Inside Il Gesu.

Part of the Lapis Lazuli altar in Il Gesu.

The entire altor of Lapis Lazuli.

Ancient Roman columns.

Part of some ancient ruins.

A nice flowered balcony.

Part of the Piazza del Campidoglio. Designed by Michelangelo.

More of the piazza.

Ancient ruins.

Boy with Thorn. A famous Etruscan statue.

Romulus and Remus suckling the wolf.

Looking across the rooftops of Rome.

Entrance to the Piazza del Campidoglio.

Inside San Lorenzo in Lucina.

Closeup of one of the figures on the Ara Paces.

In San Ignazio.

Inside Santa Maria di Minerva.

Also inside Santa Maria di Minerva.

Obelisk outside Santa Maria di Minerva.

Inside San Andrea della Valle

St. Andrew in Sant'Andrea della Valle.

Bronze Crucifix.

Fontana della Barcaccia at the Spanish Steps.

The Spanish Steps.

Inside Santa Maria della VIttoria.

A closer view.


Inside the Nativity chapel in Sanata Maria Maggiore.

A different view.

Fountain near the French Embassy.

Flower stall at Campo de' Fiori.

A selection of peppers at the market.

Theater of Pompey.

This is where Julius Ceasar was killed.

One of the frescoes at Basilica di Santo Stefano Rotondo'

The frescoes depict the martyrdom of the Christians.

Inside the Basilica Ss. Giovanni e Paolo.

Constantine's Arch.

Ancient Ruins.

Inside Ss. Nome di Maria.

Some headless mimes.