From Florence, we took the train south to Anghiari. Actually we went to Arezzo, picked up a car and drove to Anghiari. This part of Italy is the only place I feel comfortable driving. Plus it makes our little side trips to other towns a lot easier. We did, however, forgo the car when we took a day trip to Perugia. We drove from Anghiari to Sansepolcro, about 10 minutes away, and took the train down to Perugia. It was cheap, the train was like something out of the 50s but unfortunately it was pouring down rain almost the entire time we were gone. Even though it was raining it was still fun and highly recommend the trip. We also took day trips, by car, to Gubio and Siena.
Last year when we were in Anghiari, we stayed in an apartment (owned by some friend) a couple of miles outside of the old city. This year we stayed right in the middle of the old city. Our apartment (again owned by a friend) was wonderful. It had a great little courtyard, a friendly postman that lived upstairs and it was only about a five minute walk to the main piazza and our favorite spot for morning coffee and afternoon drinks.

Vittorio Emanuele II in Perugia.

Perugia in the rain.

A nice fountain in Perugia.

Courtyard of our apartment in Anghiari.

An old bell tower in Anghiari.

The walls and the old city of Anghiari.

Looking up the main street of ANghiari.

A narrow side street inside the old city.

Piazza del Campo in Siena.

Reflecting pool and fountain in Piazza del Campo.

Inside the Siena Cathedral.

Inside the Baptistry of the Cathedral.

Skull on the floor of the Cathedral.

Also inside the cathedral.

Looking up at the dome.

In the Cathedral.

In the Cathedral.

The top of the exterior.

Part of the antiques fair in Arezzo.

Heading into the old town of Gubio.

Mountains of Gubio.

From a scenic overlook inside the of city of Gubio.

One of Gubio's belltowers.

Also in Gubio.

Looking down a street towards the hills of Gubio.