Tofino, BC is a little village about half way up the western side of Vancouver Island, on the tip of the Esowista Peninsula, at the southern edge of Clayoquot Sound. During the summer it is a popular tourist destination. It attracts surfers, campers, whale watchers and anyone else that just likes to take advantage of what nature has to offer.

In the winter, the population tends to shrink as far as tourism goes. However, it is a great destination for experiencing the winter storms that can pound the area. The waves crashing against the rocks are really incredible. We even saw some surfers trying their luck with the winter waves.

It is also very close to the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, which is a temperate rain forest. The weather is quite temperate which allows for the park to be quite dense with tall trees, ferns and numerous smaller plants.

The building is the Wickaninnish Inn. It's a great small hotel with wonderful amenities and an incredible restaurant.

Sunset at the Wickaninnish Inn.

Just outside of Victoria,BC on the way to Tofino.

A little farther down the road.

More beautiful scenery.

Looking at the Wickaninnish Inn - Tofino, BC.

View of the Wickaninnish Inn from across the beach.

A lone island just of the beach.

Sunset in Tofino.

Sunset at the Wickaninnish Inn.

Dusk at the Wickaninnish Inn.

Almost got soaked taking this one.

Part of the temperate Rain Forest.

The Pacific Rim National Park.

The Rain Forest.

Waves crashing on the rocks at Wickaninnish Beach.

Waves crashing on the rocks.

More of the Rain Forest.

Some of these trees are over 200 years old.