TinCup, Colorado. A nice, quiet little town high in the Colorado Rockies. Settled originally as a mining town it has seen glory days and it has seen decline and near abandonment. Now it's a peaceful summer getaway for numerous families and campers who have been coming here for generations and generations.

Some Colorado wildflowers.

A view from the back porch.

Some more wildflowers.

Along the Timberline Trail. Tincup, CO

A little stream on the Timberline Trail.

Same little stream.

The moon rising in the afternoon!

Upper Italian Creek in Taylor Park.

A doe in the backyard.

An old gravesite in TinCup Cemetery.

Katie Fisher. The only African-Amercan buried in the cemetery.

Clouds between the house and Mt. Rothschild.

A hail storm in the mountains.

Blisterhorn Mine.

Entrance to the Jewish section of TinCup Cemetery.

The Protestant section of the cemetery.

Here lie all the Catholics.

A rather large specimen of the King Bolete.

The house as seen from the top of Mt. Rothschild.

The town of TinCup from Mt. Rothschild.

Amanita muscaria (Fly agaric) - Beautiful, but don't eat it!!!

Please don't eat these. Unless you just want to go crazy!

An older Amanita.

A view of the back of the house from across the swamp.

Ice Mountain after an August snow storm.

The TinCup Town Hall.

A marmot along the trail.

Another Timberline Trail stream.

King Boletes in the wild.

A bountiful harvest.

Clouds starting to obscure Mt. Rothschild.

Lupines in TinCup.

A view to the east during sunset.

Mt. Fitzpatrick from the cemetery.

The road out of TinCup.

Ice Mountain from the Texas Creek Trail.

You never know what you will find in the backyard.